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A Better Way to Google Search

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

This week, I wanted to share a cool new feature that was just added to Google Chrome. If you don't see it yet, you may need to update your browser (take a look up near the top right corner of the Google Chrome window...does it say "UPDATE"? If on it!)

When you do a Google search for something, do you ever find yourself having to click the "Back" button a lot to get back to the results? Or do you always right click the result to open it in a new tab so you can easily get back to the search results page? Well now there is a better way!

Just do a normal Google search. Perhaps you are looking for a Christmas cookie recipe for the holiday season. Type in your search like normal:

Then, click on any one of the results that comes up. Once the page loads, take a look in the address bar at the will see a little Google "G" icon.

Click on it and see what happens:

Whoa! All of your search results are now visible in a sidebar! You can click on each one and it will load in the window to the left while keeping your search results on the right. Just a quick way to browse search results without having to use the back button or have a bunch of tabs open.

Now go make some cookies!

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