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Create a Digital Escape Room/Scavenger Hunt in Google Slides

Updated: Jul 7, 2022


If you haven't heard of one, an escape room locks a group of people in a room and they must solve puzzles and follow clues to unlock the door and "escape". What if you used this concept to help your students learn and practice your content? You can create a Google Form that requires students to answer questions correctly before moving forward. Once they answer everything correctly, they "win". It becomes more of a game for the students - or even a competition for who can "escape" the fastest.

These can be as simple or complex as you want to make them. On the simple end, you could just create questions based on skills or research (What is 2x2? What year did WWI end?). On the complex end, you could develop a full storyline with hidden clues and puzzles. The possibilities are endless.


The key is using response validation, a hidden feature in Google Forms. When you create certain types of questions (short answer, paragraph, or checkbox), you can click the 3 dots next to the "Required" toggle and select "Response Validation".

Here's an example requiring a numerical answer:

Here's an example requiring a text answer (I recommend using "Regular expression" instead of "Text" to ensure they type EXACTLY what you want...and it is case sensitive):

Now when the students fill out the form, they MUST provide the correct answer to proceed. Another feature under those 3 dots is "Description", which you could use to provide a hint.

You can keep all the questions on one "page" of the form or you can use sections to have them move forward in the "story".

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