Did you know there are almost 2 billion websites that exist online right now? Today, it is easier than ever for the average person to create and host a website about whatever they want - personal hobbies/interests, small businesses, information, portfolios, etc. Google Sites is a great (free) way to introduce your students to the world of web design. They can learn how to organize, lay out, and design a website while also demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of your curriculum content! Here are a few ideas to consider:
Student portfolio websites that organize all of their work for the semester and provide self reflection (Perhaps for a capstone project? Maybe even something to curate their work from their ENTIRE high school career?)
An individual website for a specific project (Site about a historical figure or location? Site about a literary character or a book?)
Collaborative websites by groups in your class on a particular topic (Site for a science lab group to discuss their experiments? Site for a kitchen group to post their recipes and photos?)
Informational website for students (Teacher website for all classes? Club or organization website?)
Informational website for staff (Professional development website? Staff information website?)
You can control the public nature of Google Sites just as you can with any other Google document - sites can be restricted to specific viewers or public.