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Student-Produced Podcasts!

A podcast is simply a digital audio recording. Anyone can make one and share it out online. Most students have heard of podcasts, and many have certain ones that they enjoy listening to. What if you could provide your students with the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions in podcast form instead of the more traditional method of writing a paper or giving a presentation?

You don't NEED any special equipment or software to create a podcast. Students could record themselves using built-in apps on their phone or computer. However, at Londonderry High School, we have some great audio equipment and software and even our own radio station - 102.9FM! We would love to see more teachers and students utilizing the equipment to produce content that we could share to the public on our radio station.

The focus here is on curriculum, not the tools - so let's consider some examples of how you might use podcasts in your class - these are broad and could be incorporated into any subject:

  • Interview (ask questions to a professional in a field you are interested in pursuing)

  • Conversation (discuss a controversial subject with people who have opposing views)

  • Opinion (solo recording sharing your own opinion on a particular topic)

  • Review (discuss a book, movie, piece of art, etc.)

  • Non-Fiction Storytelling (tell the story of a specific real-life event or situation)

Now let's take it one step further...NPR hosts an annual Student Podcast Challenge where students in grades 5-12 submit podcasts anywhere from 3-8 minutes long. They can be on literally ANYTHING! The deadline for this year is March 21. You can find more information about the contest here, and...even cooler - they have an entire resource guide for teachers with lesson plans and guides for helping your students with this new project concept.

As educators, we all know that students produce better work when it is being shared outside of the walls of your classroom. Give your students the opportunity to learn a new skill and share it out to the world!

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