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Using GIFs to Demonstrate Concepts

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

What is the best way to demonstrate a digital tool to your students? Live demonstration in front of the whole class? Tutorial videos? Screenshots? Those are all effective tools, but my favorite option right now is the GIF!

A GIF is essentially a string of still images combined together into a looping animation. They can be inserted into documents, slides, emails, etc. They play automatically on a never-ending loop. There is no audio associated with them. Here is a quick GIF to show you how to add a Watermark to a Google Document:

Okay, let's get down to what you really want to know...HOW? There are many tools you can use to do this, but I'm going to recommend Screencastify. Here's a quick explanation:

  1. Set your Screencastify settings to record your screen (browser tab or desktop) and turn off microphone and do not enable webcam.

  2. Click Record, and then do your demonstration.

  3. When you stop recording, Go to the "Export Video" section and select "Export GIF".

That's it! One note...try to keep it to just a few seconds - it is better to make multiple short GIFs than one really long one.

In case you need a little more visual is a little step-by-step walkthrough of the process (learn how to make GIFs by watching the GIFs I made on how to make GIFs...whoa.)

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